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Go to Pay for Investments and choose an appropriate package with content. You are hereby granting us money which we can invest into the appropriate research branch or science.

“Sen us a donation by contacting Us, possibly without further pay of necessary bank exchange. Also Donate to : 206075964/0300.”

Kellie Mathis‏

“The Prayer stones can be by a company made of wood, but we ship just one original to your destination. Adaquate as a religious object by receiver possibly wrought into metal holder, or for scientific purposes."

Steve Daniels‏

Read the book Tended Stones - With Illustrations by Benjamin Schmidt on, or Cultural Europian Identities.

Elaine Curry‏

We do our best to become an independant Paleontological organization with the name Twopeople.

Our current goal is to make Twopeople a Trademark®  need £400 


We are striving to propound Paleontology in a way which is as digestable for people from Midland-Europe as possible; trying to cooperate with school/children environments and reflect our own work through the understanding of young people.


Currently working in a  cooperation with El Granada.


Possibly looking for an assistant for manute odd-work..




    Help us in the Beggining 

Help us run an artherapy programme / in co-operation with Ireland

                                                      Sarah McLoachlain

5£ British Pounds Purchase a Dinosaur Photo

All presently EXPENDITURES

are currently going for the 


Asoka - Profesionální překlady z Češtiny do Angličtiny. Nabídka poradenství ohledně frází,sloganů a názvů. Překladatel - Benjamin Schmidt, Praha 6.  

It was Hieronymos of Cardia who is credited with the first-known use of the term Galatia, the land of the Gauls, Galli or Celts. The area was in the northern zone of the central plateau

of Asia Minor, a region rising to

2,000 - 4,000 feet above the sea

level. It was a country of few

trees, bare hills but small and

fertile plains

during the rainy season.









Caleb Watkins‏

Help us make twopeople a registered trademark 




            &   Stephan Culbreth

   B e n j a m i n   Sc h m i dt



Annie Peterson

© 2023 by Flora Day. Proudly created with

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