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social welfare and pocket money into young hands is still on a very high agenda in Europe, and Europian Union generally.


 Social Welfare income:

Clik on Social Welfare for Expatriots, put in your credentials and earn risk-free up to 250 dollars a month independant dole money, or money for international accounting!  Medication after the investigation of Carol Jankins (2001) on Papua New Guinea into Europe, after a very high cargoes of medicaments was sent to Africa prooved a better standard of caring and many people going for becoming a Doctor in Europe in the last 20 years since 1995. Many people since 1990 went for bartenders jobs at 19 years of age, cooking, psychiatry and anesteziology with a prospect of working in the Europian Union or the Hostilities in the Far East.
The problem of superfluous understanding of Botanics and Botanology as described by Bekker is a prognostic. His book can be read now on the internet. Prognostics of trade in Shengen and Europian Union should be carried out insomuch as it is desireable for logical stimulation and understanding of Shengen as a conglominy of mutualy intertewined and working Nations. The problems of belief, religious codexes - codexes of manners and speech should be further developed and enhanced into a working unit.
Interesting paradigmatas are to be seen in zoos of Europe. Many books from America were of late dealing with the care of Animals (Shipms) and have been also written for the purpose of inhancing the ability of this nomenclature. Furthering care for animals in Artificial Habitats, etc..
We find a stigmatic understanding in care after Animals in secluded Animal zoos in Europe and the prospect of Roberson Foundation and other non-profit funding organisations is well in place for such an undertaking.
In the Wild
Palaeontology is a woderful pass-time and can turn a real voccation and endeavour for ardent seekers of Adventure and Science recognition. Current prospect of Palaeontology in Europe has taken as a goal revitalising museums and furthering technology appliences and tools for furthering Palaeontological prospectory.
Problems of seeing real Palaeontology and palaeontology in France is possible through understanding of Charles Darwin and Charle's Lemark who was the first person who coined the term Fossil. Charles' Lemark contribution to science were fundamental and prolific. His several volumes were a compilement of illustrated finds and Palaeontologica just as for example Charles' Doolitle Walcotte in Kanadian Nova Scottia Mountain Range. [My knowledge of Kate Burgess from Kerry, Ireland leads me to conclude along with her daughter Sorcha Burgess that they may represent a family tree of Burgess from Burgess Shale, Nova Scottia] and can be cosidered as related to their Canadian family tree.
Just as Dragomat in Kerry, we see many people being interested in constant change of chimp care laws andslow change into postmodern care after Animals. Jane Goodall was seriously interested in caring after Chimpanzees and Gorilas after several Town Bills and the latest, if I am not mistaken has taken effect in 2016.
Possiblilities and prognostics concerned in amelioration of known aspects of A.I.D.S. and cancerous deseases stems here from the recognition of Jean Demoor, John Demoor and Jon Cohen's book Almost Shempanzee. Primate care in America concerned in investigation of deseases after significant discoveries of Diane Fossey and Astrid Lingren is very interesting for Europian Gnominy, in so much, as this effects logical structuring of learning, education and upbringing.
These sinacdoces are interesting, as thay may according to my thesis represent possible bases and founding stones for future investments from Africa and surrounding Europian areas into fully-fledged buildings [larger structures, scyscrappers] and revitalisation of sprawls according to Australian logical trends [with connotation to Ireland, 2017 Parlament].
Problems of education and curricula according to Europian logic witha hightened goal on anastasing and trendy aspects of feshion, might in future result into a very possitive and harmonious ethical society considered Europian Union.
Prognoses for richness and comunity, growth in the Society according to bettered Europian Standards in Europe with a hightened stigma for educating English [Europian English Standard] as a menatory second speech, resultant in reaching adulthood a fluency of this language as such. Cognisance and further development of quality of caring [lunetic asylums care, and necessary education of empleyees, caring staff] for a better prospect of seeing a healthy society in Europe [Educational, Renewable Resources DVD - Benjamin Schmidt]. The interesting aspects of dealing out educational tables and books with a possibility of enriching an abroad society for english books is dveloping. A trend of a better and stable job for the duration of a longer period is after Far East Hostilities on the Agenda. The possibility of BBC service in Czech Republic migh, according to thesis reach a complete English broadcasting under the supervision of Czech belingual staff [reporters, talkers] and bettering of Radio-journal


Psychosomatic problems (In Family)
Problems of understanding ilnesses and psychosomatic problems connected to Family life has in Europe and incoming populi to Europe grew, but was lessened by logical anastasing and pinpointing the problems by quality medicaments and approach towards to patient.
Laos woman in Prague - A woman suffering from Lactoses after giving birth with a Czech Husband.Laughing and relatively enjoing the peaceful hospitality of a caring facility (Lunetic house).
Problems of parents giving out their children to psychiatry care is also among Black-French populi quite
stigmatic, along with young french women with free-thinking older mothers.
The problem in finding a job and assuring them of a capability to lead a stimulating and quality life is by me exagerrated (for exactly such people were in psychiatry usualy taken as visitorial people). Problem with these people, which quite abound in number also in Kerry, Ireland. And generally in Lunetic asylums (Frame in Papua New Guinea ). Is stigmatic.
Problem to find enough social backing for these people and vouchsave them Families, Education, and Home is problematic, and by Benjamin Schmidt should be accosted by better prognosing free movement and the posibility to take part in daily rutines and prognoses for finding a job - a lastig voccation. (After High school environment - growing adults 22-29 years of age). The general healthiness of Lunetic Asylums in overall Europe (Europien Union) was in 2004-2017 marked as relatively good, and the prognoses for further revitalisation ond bettering of care was under way in several places. The refurbishment of Bohnice has just in 2017 commenced. Prognoses for pills and their daily use among the society has become an almost a daily fact for many people from disturbed families and people with slight psychical problems. Medication such as Ziprexa, Solian, Paliperidon (Pills), Rivotril, Olanzapin, Zeldox, Amilie, Zirtek (for voices) are well tested and belong to the most used pills for daily prescriptions among slightly problematic populy in small dosage (1/2 in three days).
There is a possibility of an injection medication - Paliperidon, Maintena (1 in half a year) for 1,5 years. More powerful usage of these medicaments was by Benjamin Schmidt disregarded (Maintena is a very quality pill evoking wholesamness)
Paliperidon is not so quality medication and should be used with carefulness. (Used in the whole Europian Union)
The necessity for vaccination against Hapattitis, Rabies, and Tiphoid is exagerated for distance trips. (This injection medication can be with possibility used in treatment with insuing healthy food and drink). 3 injections inlife at most, or completely disregarded. Alternative Medicine in Prague and Europe.
There is a large Tibetian Medicine in Dejvice and smaller at Ujezd (tram 22). The possibilities of Tibetian medicine are still being investigated and Mumio pills (draje) belong in small usage to very common in Europ efor bettering the general prosperity of organism. Alternative creams and tibetian face-creams are on the market in Czech Republic and should be used with causiousness as they may trigger a slight rash (but in many circumstances, the creams and oitments are tested and without stigmatic flaws). Lobotomy was by Benjamin Schmidt also completely disregarded.
The revitalisation of Bohnice and Klanovice


The current problems of unnecessary and ilogical Lobotomy on Papua New Guinea. Problems with logical anastasing of young patients and their subsequent roeing into mundane tasks, families and jobs. All pills and vacinations, injection medicaments should be everytime well checked and understood as harmless. Tested.


Rivotryl - By Dr. More -used in Epilepsy, aso for Eziety and better accomodation of easy breathing. quality

Solian - Gilbert, hightened cholesterol, easyfied bitter pill for daily use (200 mg) quality

Olanzosol, Olanzapin - Evoking better state-     (quality)

Ziprexa - older pill for Schysophrenia


Paliperidon - taken off counter - creating bad teeth.

in injection - slight headakes as a sideifect - not so quality  weekening organism (disregarded)

Meintena - slightly better and dryer - wholesamness          (disregarded)


The problems of logical understanding of Lunetic Asylums problems and their necessity is by Benjamin Schmidt considered in logical afectation. Prognoses for better society should lead people in recreating these spaces into better habitable abodes for rest and leasure. Serious injuries and the necessity of retreat into peace and quiet should be therefore by Benjamin Schmidt considered as necessary of intermidiated with spirituality. The posibility of seeing and having a contact with religious people. Buddhist robes and French order robes available for dicision.


Anastasing ilness for the logic of seeing psychiatry as a place of rest is by Benjamin Schmidt exagerrated as he deems this forst necessity for the understanding of normal living of population without the necessity to undermine and frighted.



Prognoses for richnes, growth in the comunity and the society. Param Para


\Ilogical problems of youngster having presheduled ilogical deseases in Europe and surrounding ares. Problems of understanding youngster and younger population.


Revitalisation of Bohnice Psychiatric Clinic into a University.


Yutube - Repicators Journal.

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